Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Texting and Driving

Since the time that text messaging became available it has become an epidemic in the United States. Texting and driving has put many lives at risk, whether they are drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. Texting has increased the number of automobile accidents immensely and I believe this problem should be made aware to people all over the United States. Texting and driving impairs your judgment, just like driving under the influence does; and we have a strict law about that! Text messaging is distracting, adverting your eyes from the road, and anything can happen in a split second. If you are not fully focused on driving, your chances of an accident rise and you put yourself and those around you in danger. I know people who have lost friends and family members due to drivers who were text messaging while they were behind the wheel. This is extremly unfortunate and effects people all over the United States. It is sad to know that these accidents could have very well been prevented if people would pull over to use their cell phones instead of trying to multi-task behind the wheel. Texting while driving is a sign of poor judgment and and should be taken care of somewhere. I believe there should be stricter laws against this so that the death rate will decrease and the roads will be safer to drive.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this just another example of the government intruding into our lives. Of course it is dangerous to text and drive, but people should have the common sense to not do it. (I like your argument though).
