Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to ... dye your hair.

First you start off by choosing the color dye that you wish to us. Washing your hair next so that it is clean is always a good idea. After you have shampooed and conditioned your hair, you will need to brush it out and dry it. You can either let it dry naturally or use a blow dryer. Once it is completely dry, you will need to section your hair off. Start by pulling the majority of your hair back into a pony tail so that just a small amount of hair on the bottom is left. Next you will need to put on a t-shirt that you don't mind getting stained. After this you will need to mix the hair dye according to the directions on the package. After the hair dye mixture is complete, you will need to put on your the gloves given to you in the hair kit. You will start off by gently squeezing a fair amount of dye into your hand and smooth it onto a moderate amount of hair. Continue doing this until your hair is completely covered, leaving no dry spots on your head. Leave the hair dye on for about twenty minutes, then wash in the shower until the water runs clear.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pop Culture Impact

In modern day society celebrities seem to have had a huge impact on women all over the United States. Their constant fashion change and the pressure to stay thin not only affects them, but everyday women as well. Can they be blamed for eating disorders, plastic surgery addiction, and young girls growing up too fast?

Eating disorders are not new to women, but I believe that they have become more common because of celebritites. Obviously most celebrities have a lot of money, which allows them to afford personal trainers, nutritionists, and stylists. Every day women look up to these icons and see how beautiful and thin they are, and I believe it impacts the way they live. Pop culture has seemed to have put celebs on a throne, so to speak, and it has altered our ideas of beautiful. "Thin is in", so it is no wonder that young girls and women all over the U.S. starve themselves to keep up with what's cool.

I do not see plastic surgery as a bad idea. If you have the money and the time to fix one or two things you don't necessarily like about yourself, have at it. However, I do believe when celebrities, such as Heidi Montag go under the knife twelve times or more, it is an addiction. It sends the wrong messages to girls with low self-esteem. She is basically saying that fixing everything about your body is what you are supposed to do to be beautiful.

I work with children, from ages four to six years old, and something I have noticed is that even these little girls are showing signs of growing up too fast. They have obsessions with teen pop sensation, Miley Cyrus, whom we have watched grow up rather quickly in the past few years. She went from starring in her own show on the Disney Channel as 'Hannah Montana', to dancing on a pole at her concerts in front of thousands of young girls. I even saw on the Tyra show, a six year old who would not leave the house without her Hannah Montana wig on. This to me is ridiculous.

Overall, I believe pop culture and celebrities have set the wrong tone for women and girls all over the United States. Though celebs should not take full responsiblity for the struggles we face, I do consider them to be a big factor.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The top picture is of a plus size model, one whom would not be the typical ideal woman for modern day society, according to magazines, celebrities, and movies. I believe thin is in now a days. The curvy model is beautiful, but looked upon as overweight or even unsexy. So many icons have struggled with eating disorders, being too thin and unhealthy. This has put pressure on girls everywhere to reach a certain standard.

Heidi Montag, a newfound pop culture icon, has alterted her appearance and was said to have undergone over ten different plastic surgeries. I believe she did this to fix herself to be the 'perfect' woman and to be eye candy to men all over the world. A lot of celebrities have gone under the knife to acheive 'perfection', but what really is perfection? The ideal modern woman has a big chest, bleach blonde hair, and a fit figure. The ideal woman is also very thin, much thinner than models from the 60's or 70's. Instead of fair skin, the new thing is a fake tan. Heidi's overall look to me is fake and unattractive. The natural look is so much more beautiful. I mean come on, she can hardly move her face!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on a Plane

The idea of pornography being offered on a plane seems pretty outlandish and inappropriate. I realize some flights are very long and can get pretty boring, but it is ridiculous to need porn so desperately that we start offering it out. Looking at porn on an airplane seems inconsiderate from my point of view. It's common courtesy. I would rather not look over at the passenger accross from me and see him fondling himself to a bunch of naked Asian women. I do not believe porn is wrong, but it should be watched privately and definitely NOT on an airplane.

I believe children are already exposed to enough dangerous and explicit images, that this would only make it worse. I have always made it a point to censor my language and actions around children, because I would not want somebody acting indecent around my child. It is only fair to be considerate to others in public. After all, there are many laws about public nudity; I'd find it hypocritical to allow pornography to be offered on such a public form of transportation.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Texting While Driving is WRONG.

Black Men and Public Space

Though I cannot personally relate to this man's struggles for being regularily mistaken for a criminal, I really enjoyed reading his story. Legal segregation is no longer present in our society, but it still exists, along with stereotyping and racism. In this particular story a man is mistaken for being a threat because of his skin color and his overall appearance. I believe this to be wrong in several different aspects. It is not fair to judge somebody upon arrival. I realize that he fits the description of a common criminal, but I find it really sad that people ran from him, or called the cops on him for no legitimate reason. I feel for this man, and his hardships. Though I have not been persecuted for being white, I have fallen victim to stereotypes in the past. I have been labeled as 'stuck-up' or 'snobby' because of my appearance, before even having the chance to defend myself. I believe everybody is a victim of stereotyes, whether they are black or white, male or female, rich or poor. It exists in our society and I find it irritating and sometimes down right disgusting.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Texting and Driving

Since the time that text messaging became available it has become an epidemic in the United States. Texting and driving has put many lives at risk, whether they are drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. Texting has increased the number of automobile accidents immensely and I believe this problem should be made aware to people all over the United States. Texting and driving impairs your judgment, just like driving under the influence does; and we have a strict law about that! Text messaging is distracting, adverting your eyes from the road, and anything can happen in a split second. If you are not fully focused on driving, your chances of an accident rise and you put yourself and those around you in danger. I know people who have lost friends and family members due to drivers who were text messaging while they were behind the wheel. This is extremly unfortunate and effects people all over the United States. It is sad to know that these accidents could have very well been prevented if people would pull over to use their cell phones instead of trying to multi-task behind the wheel. Texting while driving is a sign of poor judgment and and should be taken care of somewhere. I believe there should be stricter laws against this so that the death rate will decrease and the roads will be safer to drive.